Friday, December 31, 2010

Penguins and Ponies

Today's pick is a toss up between an adorable children's toy and a practical garden necessity

Post 1: From the description, I'm guessing this is a pre-pubescent boy penguin???? It doesn't come with a pump, so you might have to blow it up by mouth ... eeeeewwwww!

Post 2:  Doesn't this stuff freeze? I certainly don't want to pick it up ;(. Thank goodness that it only has 10% bedding because I would use anything with less than 90% pure manure for my hydrangeas.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Curb Alert ... Jesus. Offer expires tomorrow at 9pm CT

If you're fortunate enough to live in Costa Rica, someone is giving away free prayers today. I can't wait until tomorrow between noon and 9pm to see what "good" thing will happen to me. I hope it's not a computer virus... do you think because I don't live in Costa Rica, it might not happen? They did say everywhere? And do I still get the "good" think if  I don't repost? Whats the time difference between Boston and Costa Rica? I think they are on CT central time, so maybe I'll have to wait until 10pm.

This is my first post on this blog. I'm going to try to post an interesting "Curb Alerts" that I find on craigslist. Hopefully some of them will be funny and some of them will be WTF, not just the garden-variety "Free Couch" alerts that we've all seen. That's a subject for another blog.